See Yup Benevolent Society & Yee Yee Tong Mask Donation Continues
本會及本堂作為夏威夷的一份子、為社區和慈善機構繼續募捐口罩。并已將收到了的N-95口罩分批捐給夏威夷多個慈善機構(十字車務人員,皇娘醫院,以及Kaiser Permanente)。感謝大家的募捐及支持。
Our organization as a part of Hawaii, to help with the COVID-19 crisis, we continued our mask donation, donating N-95 masks to places in need. After receiving our shipment, we made three more donations of N-95 masks to AMR (American Medical Responses), Queen's Medical Center, and Kaiser Permanente. Thank you all for your donation and support.