See Yup Benevolent Society and Yee Yee Tong Fundraising Event for Hawaii's Medical Institutions
自夏威夷爆发新型冠状病毒肺炎以来,众多热心人士、单位为防疫工作捐款捐物和提供各种协助,在此衷心感谢你们的慷慨解囊和无私帮助。在广大群众众志成城、同心协力的支持帮助下,我们定能早日战胜病毒,取得防疫工作的胜利! Ever since the event of COVID-19 hitting the islands, many passionate people have worked everything in their power to fundraise. Many materials and money have been donated to those who are fighting this virus. Our organization gives thanks to these passionate people for doing everything they could in their power. At the same time, See Yup Benevolent Society would like to reach out to our members to help support this event. Support by donating, whether it be necessary materials or money, and sharing it with your network. We believe that with teamwork, we can overcome this COVID-19 crisis soon and win this battle!
自願參加募捐活動者請到www.seeyupyeeyeetong.wixsite.com/syyyt/fundraise-event 填寫表格。
For those that are willing to participate in our fundraising event, please fill out the donation form on our website at www.seeyupyeeyeetong.wixsite.com/syyyt/fundraise-event
以義堂 See Yup Benevolent Society
Yee Yee Tong